night we got to meet with Cam because he was down from San Francisco
for the weekend. It was super awesome. We taught him the Law of
Chastity, which is a lot less awkward when they already live it, and
about eternal marriage, temple, and family history. Cam loves the church
so much. We set a baptismal date for September 19th!!!
He is so excited but also nervous because he hasn't seen a baptismal service yet so we
are going to try and find one in the mission that we can go to with him.
Its so cool to see the bond we have made with him and the faith he has.
Last night he even reminded Nielsen and I to say our prayers before we
went to sleep which was pretty funny to have an investigator remind the
On Tuesday we met with his
cousin Giorgio again. He told us he had been reading the Book of Mormon
which was perfect since our lesson was all about the Book of Mormon.
After we taught him and answered questions we did a mini church tour and
showed him pictures of the Quorum of the Twelve and the First
Presidency and talked about them and then we showed him pictures of
different Book of Mormon stories to help him understand more.
On Wednesday we met with Bobby and encouraged him to stick with his date of September 26th.
We watched President Eyring's talk "This Day" and talked more about how
we feel he is ready to be baptized. He has been around the church for
such a long time and his testimony of the gospel is so strong.
On Sunday
we got to teach the same marine we taught last week. He started reading
the Book of Mormon too! He is Jewish but told us he likes a lot of what
we believe and likes the Book of Mormon. After reading it though he was
concerned about what would happen to him if he gets deployed and kills
people since the gospel is about peace. We told him about President
Hinckley's talk "War and Peace" Its so great that we have modern day
prophets who speak the words that people in our time need to hear.
love this place so much even with the crazy driving and traffic and
strange people we see walking around. We are all children of God and he
loves all of us so much. Sometimes I feel like Alma and Amulek and the
Sons of Mosiah where I can't stand to think of people suffering because
they aren't able to return to live with Heavenly Father. I love
helping people and having this chance to serve the Lord with my whole
heart everyday. I love these people and they are good and I need to be
with them.
Elder Cheever
Elders Cheever and Nielsen with Bobby
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