Monday, June 13, 2016

Go out and be missionaries

This week went about like this whole transfer has, when we get to the end of it, it feels like it went by super quick but then looking back it feels super long.
We had a pretty good lesson with Carolina on Wednesday and brought a member with us which helped out a ton because they were able to talk and relate in a way that we wouldn't have been able to. We were able to get a better grasp on her ideas of things like prophets and priesthood authority which should help us get a better direction, it just makes our job a little bit harder. She told us that she wasn't sure about joining the church to go along with baptism because she doesn't just want to go into something without knowing much about it so we were able to explain that we don't expect her to do it without knowing its true and she agreed to read the Book of Mormon and to pray about what we teach, we will see how she has done with that on Wednesday when we go back.
 We also met with Raul and we were able to talk a lot about prophets with him and we went through the scriptures showing prophetic calls and explaining the need for prophets. He has been going along with the system that we set up for reading and he has been reading the Book of Mormon and getting principles from the stories which is super awesome.
Basically the rest of the week was consumed with helping the Laguna Hills High School set up for their party for the seniors. Its been fun and they really appreciate our help and have gotten a good view of the missionaries as nice people who want to help.
Thank you for all the prayers sent my way, they make a difference. Go out and be missionaries in whatever way you can!
Elder Cheever
Madsen and Sam Bogges in High School

 Madsen and Sam at the start of their missions

Madsen and Sam half-way through their missions

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