Monday, January 9, 2017

Going back to Santa Ana

The biggest news is that Elder Gunn and I will both be leaving the Liberty Park ward. Gunn is going to the Laguna Hills 2nd ward and I'm going back to the Southcoast ward in Santa Ana, the second ward that I served in out here (thus the title of this email) We had a good last week in Liberty Park. We got to help some members clean up their house to get it ready for new renters to move into which was pretty fun, its a good think Mom taught me how to clean! On Thursday we had dinner and a lesson with Jack that went really well. He is cancer free and excited to get back to meeting with the missionaries, its a bummer I wont get to be there for it all. On Friday we went to the temple in the morning and then later in the day is when we found out that we would both be leaving so we started preparing for that. On Saturday we started off the day riding in one of the member's Mclarens, I want one now, and then said bye to our favorite members and then at night we found out where we would be going. Sunday consisted of saying goodbye and church. It was pretty sad.
This morning Elder Ahlstrom and I packed up my car from Liberty Park and drove up to our new area. He is from Utah, has been out for about a year, and is also new to the ward so we are gonna be figuring out what to do as we go. I'm excited to see people I love from this area and to work with the investigators that the previous missionaries were teaching and I know that we will see miracles here. These people are good and I need to be with them, again!
Elder Cheever

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