Monday, February 29, 2016

Find somebody you can serve

This week went by really fast so its kind of hard to remember what actually happened. We met with Brianna almost every day this week so that we could finish teaching her the lessons, we only have a few left at this point so the hope is that she can get baptized this weekend so it would be awesome if y'all could keep her in your prayers this week. We met with Robert again as well and had a long lesson with him, he has gotten to the point in his life where he needs to decide what he will do with the faith that he has but because of the challenges he faces with smoking he has a hard time pushing through to get to where he needs to be. We ended up being extremely blunt with him but as I spoke I could feel the Spirit so strongly and since then he has communicated with us a couple of times and it seems like he his going to work even harder to act on the faith he has. We had a lot of Japanese lessons as usual, but since most of them are teaching the people how to speak English I get to help out a good amount since I can speak English and one of them even taught me how to introduce myself and how to greet people in Japanese which is super cool. Maybe I'll learn this language some after all. On Saturday we went to a mainstream Christian church with some less-actives to listen to a motivational speaker named Nick Vujicic. He is a man who was born with out arms or legs and who struggled to be happy as a child but then one day while reading the Bible he read the story in John 9 about the man born blind so that the works of God could be manifested in him and he realized that maybe that's why he had no arms or legs, so that he could be an example and help others come to Christ. He spoke on faith and hope and how when these two things are centered in Jesus Christ we can be happy no matter what happens in our lives. As I listened I could tell that, because of the faith he has and because of the desire to help others come to find happiness through Christ, he has found true happiness in our lives. If you are ever feeling down on yourself or even if you want to see a man without arms or legs make jokes about himself and "walk" around on a table I would definitely look him up on Youtube. One thing he said stuck out to me a lot, he said "sometimes we don't see miracles, but that doesn't mean we can't be a miracle for somebody else." That's my challenge for this week, if you're having a bad day, or a bad week, or even a bad month; find somebody you can serve because you never know if you will be the miracle that they need and I can promise that through helping others you will begin to feel better yourself. I love being out here and can't wait to continue working hard because there are loads of good people out here, and they need the message that I have to share.
Elder Cheever

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