Tuesday, October 11, 2016

We had to move yesterday

We had to move yesterday so preparing for that took up the last few days of the week and the rest of the week was pretty uneventful. 

On Tuesday I had the chance to go on exchanges in the Marina Hills ward with Elders Capasso and Rosenow. It was a super good day. We started off the day by going to the funeral of their investigators mother. It was at the big Catholic Basillica in San Juan Capistrano and it was probably one of the more interesting things I have ever done. It was basically a Catholic mass so us Mormon missionaries were super confused. I'm sure the Priest/Pastor (whatever you call them) was super confused when he walked out and saw us sitting there. We came to really understand how great of a blessing knowing about the Plan of Salvation is and about how lucky we are to have the priesthood authority restored to the earth. Their investigator really appreciated our being there though so that's what was most important. The rest of the day went pretty well. We were able to meet with one of the less active men they are working with and had a good lesson with him about faith. It was nice to work in another area, for only the second time since I came here in May, and I had a good time with those other elders.

On Wednesday we had district meeting and then after district meeting we were able to meet with Brother Moye and we had a good lesson with him talking about General Conference and especially President Nelson's talk about finding joy in every circumstance. 

Thursday and Friday we ended up spending a lot of time packing up all of our stuff in the apartment so that we could be ready to move so not too much else happened on those days. It was pretty sad to take everything down from around the apartment. I have lived there for a long time and I had pretty well made it my home.

On Saturday we spent the entire day doing service. In the morning we helped with a move for some members who live in our apartment complex and then after lunch we spent the entire rest of the day helping with the stake hoedown. It was a super good activity and a lot of the members had friends and neighbors there with them. It was a really good opportunity for the people of the community to see members of the church as normal and fun people in a super inviting atmosphere.\

Moving yesterday was weird. Our new apartment is nicer but it was strange to be alone at night, our old roommates also got a new apartment. It was pretty sad to not have them there since I have been living with one of them since May and the other since June. And then I got sick at night because I ate syrup that was supposed to be refrigerated but wasn't. Who knew that syrup could go bad?

That's about it for the week. The people here are good and I need to be with them!
Elder Cheever

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